The photographer, the wanderer, glides softly in the crush of the everyday, stepping out onto awkwardly paved sidewalks, weaving through crowds, seeking out moments of quiet serendipity. It’s in happenstance, coincidence, that the magic becomes immanent, the constantly weaving, liminal threads taking shape, becoming momentarily visible, forming into occurrences that vibrate, are.
—Akinbode Akinbiyi
The book will be published in May 2024 by Archive Books, Berlin in English and German.
Sometimes to be lost is to be found and to be found is to be lost anew
Akinbode Akinbiyi
With texts by Akinbode Akinbiyi, Tandazani Dhlakama, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Christoph Platz-Gallus.
Edited by Christoph Platz-Gallus
for Kunstverein Hannover
English & German
100 images (b/w)
220 pages