Tag: african diaspora

1970–2018 Interviews with Med Hondo

1970–2018 Interviews with Med Hondo

1970—2018 Interviews with Med Hondo, the first volume in a three-part publication, brings together seventeen interviews conducted with Med Hondo over a period of almost half a century, most of the interviews originally published in French were translated into English. The book originated in the long-term project Cours, cours, camarade, le vieux monde est derrière toi—Run, comrade, run, the old world is behind you—The Cinema of Med Hondo.

On the Run

On the Run

A pioneer of African cinema and author of an uncompromising, strong and diverse oeuvre, we have come to know Med Hondo over the decades as one who simultaneously gazes, belligerently and attentively, sharply, passionately and ironically, deep into the past, precisely at the present, but also far into the future. On the Run. Perspectives on the Cinema of Med Hondo, second in a series of three, features contributions that pay tribute to Med Hondo’s films.