Pandora's Box explores the form of conversation as a method of aesthetic solidarity and empowerment. As an online platform it collects and archives talks, stories, discourses and struggles to re-value and constantly reboot practices of solidarity. The conversations and texts published in this first Volume are starting and connecting points creating a web of support, exchange and dispersion being a catalyser for planetary solidarity and imaginary and real material nanocommunities.
Tag: dialogues
No Order
No Order editorial research focuses on the relationships between contemporary art systems and capitalism’s production processes. By means of an investigation into current creative industries – and their social, economic and semiotic assemblages – the contributions (essays, interviews and dialogues as well as artists’ projects) aim to deconstruct, analyse and intervene within the ambit of the procedures and forms of cognitive capitalism. It concentrates, in particular, on the phenomena of the ‘biennalisation’, ‘financialisation’ and ‘spectacularisation’ of the political, beginning with the control and distribution of forms of artistic education, production and display on a global scale.