In honest, crystallizing language, Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju reckons with her changing Body and the afterlife of trauma within the tangle of race relations, sexual politics, and family history. Earnestly collages texts from the artist’s transdisciplinary practice, modeling different lenses through which to navigate the social and emotional dimensions of Body dysmorphia, girlhood, and longing.
Tag: poetry
Electric Brine
Flowing, seeping, leaking, cascading, shaping, Electric Brine is a volume of poetry and critical essays by women voices from diverse fields such as literature, geography, media studies, history of life sciences, sociology, and poetics of science and fiction, each of them central to the independent curatorial research entity The World in Which We Occur (TWWWO, 2014-ongoing) and its associated online study group Matter in Flux.
Streams of Consciousness. Catalogue
The moment of a snapshot could be an extended moment of capturing the stream of consciousness. The moment something catches the attention of the photographer, the many associations that are made conceptually and aesthetically, the many references that are invoked and situations convoked lead to the shot. Thinking is as much an active as a passive process, and what becomes important is how that which is seen, heard, smelled, felt, tasted or perceived in another way triggers the inner eye to see or inner voice to utter thereby setting this stream of consciousness in motion.
Courants de conscience. Reader
Conçue pour la 12ème édition des Rencontres de Bamako ce livre recueille la pensée des écrivains, des poètes et des artistes quant à la pratique de la photographie en Afrique et à travers sa diaspora de part la notion de « courant de conscience ».
La notion de courants de conscience est liée de manière intrinsèque à celle d’une profondeur de la vision : en d’autres termes, elle correspond à l’idée que la vision peut transcender ses confins optiques pour invoquer les autres sens. La photographie en tant que force vectorielle d’une telle conception de la vision, fait acte de prothèse pour combler notre regard appauvri.
Streams of Consciousness. Reader
Conceived for the 12th Edition of the Bamako Encounters this book captures thoughts and responses of writers, poets, and artists to the curators’ proposition to think the practice of photography in Africa and its diaspora through the notion of the “stream of consciousness.”
The moment of capturing an image can be understood as a solidifying of the streams of consciousness which occur in the photographer’s mind in that decisive moment: the photograph then becomes the place of convergence of all conceptual, aesthetic and cultural ideas and associations out of which the impetus to capture arose.
Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis
Edited by John Cunningham, Anthony Iles, Mira Mattar and Marina Vishmidt.
Anguish Language approaches language as a core aspect of the present social crisis. The project engages in solidarity with forms of self-publishing, poetry, criticism, experimental writing and declamation that have arisen in the wake of the 2007-8 financial crisis, considering language among and through the social strugge responding to its consequences.