Sedje Hémon (1923-2011) dedicated her life to showing the common origin and intersectionality of all arts and sciences, culminating in the development of a theory for the “integration of the arts.”
Tag: exhibition
Imran Mir – A World that is not Entirely Reflective but Contemplative
Imran Mir's (1950-2014) oeuvre can be interpreted as a constant refusal to provide comprehensive elaboration beyond what one experiences. The act of contemplation is a guiding principle to interpreting Imran Mir’s work, an approach that reverberates into a practice that grew out of conversations with a community of artists, activists, poets, relatives, and other thinkers in Karachi.
Abdias Nascimento – Being an Event of Love
Abdias Nascimento (1914-2011) was a story-teller whose mediums of expression embraced as many forms as they could, borrowing the paths at hand to communicate ideas and reflect on the urgencies of his time and place.
Resolution 827
This publication's title references the UN Security Counsel Resolution that in 1993 established the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). It is the outcome of a collaboration between Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade. Previously taking the form of an exhibition and artist presentations at SMBA and a panel discussion hosted by the Stedelijk Museum's Public Program, it now finds it result in this publication that brings together various texts by the participating artists, visual documentation of their works and adaptions of the discussions that took place.