Tag: Savvy Books

The Wall Between Us

The Wall Between Us

When the outer world tells you who you are, who to be, and those in your immediate, unchosen community tell you to be another, how do we understand who we truly want to be? Away from prescribed imaginaries, how can we find our own reality? Should we even find an identity? Do we have a choice? Does it require asking humbly for allowance? When we receive recognition, does it risk furthering agendas that keep us in our "place"? Together, these poems, letters, anecdotes, interviews and stories demonstrate that living as a "member of the Asian diaspora" can never be presented as a singular expression. Moving through our world is a process of being emergent, sometimes in conflict, other times in collaboration, with a diasporic identity that continues to be ever more complex. Here we hope to find an opportunity to practice our own becoming.

I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See

I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See

A gathering of the echoes, memories and findings after three years of research, performances, exhibitions and conversations within the project That, Around Which The Universe Revolves. On Rhythmanalysis of Memory, Times, Bodies in Space. This publication brings together visual artists, urbanists, writers, photographers, performers, poets, and theorists to investigate the interrelations of space and time, memory, architecture and urban planning through and beyond Henri Lefebvre’s concept of Rhythmanalysis.

Ich Zeichne Eine Karte Von Dem, Das Du Nicht Siehst

Ich Zeichne Eine Karte Von Dem, Das Du Nicht Siehst

Eine Ansammlung von Echos, Erinnerungen und Erkenntnissen aus drei Jahren Forschung, Performances, Ausstellungen und Gespräch im Rahmen von That, Around Which The Universe Revolves. On Rhythmanalysis of Memory, Times, Bodies in Space. Henri Lefebvres Konzept der Ryhthmusanalyse durch- und weiterdenkend, bringt diese Publikation Künstler*innen, Stadtplaner*innen, Schriftsteller*innen, Photograph*innen, Performer*innen, Dichter*innen und Theoretiker*innen zusammen, um die Beziehungen zwischen Raum und Zeit, Erinnerung, Architektur und Städteplanung zu untersuchen.