Tale 4: Imperial Durabilities. Traces, commemorations, and ressamblages.
This is the digital companion page for texts from Tale 4 in An Ongoing- Offcoming Tale by Bonventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.
Lost and Found Between Elegy and Serenade
Navigating Spaceness and Placeness through and with Akinbode Akinbiyi
A Permanent Return to the Imaginary.
Of Archeology, Expeditions, Found Objects, Installations
An Approximation of Marco Montiel Soto’s Work in Four Stanzas
The Paradoxicality of the “Transitzone”
A Few Anecdotes on Katrin Ströbel’s and Mohammed Laouli’s “frontières fluides – fluid boundaries.”
Of Seas, Slave Ships and Fractured Atlases.
A Prelude to a Possible Essay on Histerio-poiesis in Theo Eshetu’s Practice
The Curious Case of Olu Oguibe’s Monument for Strangers and Refugees.
Exposing the Question the Answer Hides
Looking Into the Distance Becomes Difficult
Surya Gied